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Police Edition Pepper Spray STREAM Pressure vessel type STREAM C1 & C2

Police Edition Pepper Spray STREAM Pressure vessel type STREAM C1 & C2

Individual police equipment – Spray with lachrymatory for police, there are two types, Type C1 Horizontal type; Type C2 Vertical type. They are the newest pepper sprays for Chinese police department. Both are stream types.

170 ml Police Pepper Spray (stream)


Individual police equipment – Spray with lachrymatory for police
Type C1 Horizontal type; Type C2 Vertical type.
The Individual police equipment – Spray with lachrymatory for police is equipped with tear-inducing ejector, which is worn by the public security police when they are on duty and law enforcement, and has a strong stimulating effect on the eyes, nose cavity, oral cavity and exposed skin.
Quality standard: GA 884-2018 Individual police equipment – Spray with lachrymatory for police

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